21 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi


          When we say United Kingdom, the first city that comes in most peoples' mind is London! As all you know, London is the capital city of United Kingdom, also the largest and metropolitan one. As you understand there are lots of people from different countries, different religion, who lives in London.

          I have been London many times and all of the trips have different flavour. First of all, you can not complete your trip well in one week, because there are lots of things to do in here. If you want to enjoy your trip without rush, you should go there for 2 or more weeks. Trust me!

         If you come up with a question, which is "What we should do in London?", I can suggest you many things to do in there. If you want just a touristic trip like sightseeing, there are lots of historical places, museums etc. Big Ben, London Eye, British Museum, Trafalgar Square, Southbank Centre, Tower of London, London Bridge, Millenium Bridge and Buckingham Palace ( to visit Queen Eizabeth:) ) are the main things that you should do for a good trip in London. If you want to see everywhere and do some extra things like shopping, night life, relaxing, I suggest you to go Oxford Street and Regent Street, which are the most famous for shopping and relaxing. At the end of this streets there are two parks called "Regent Park" and "Hyde Park" and they are good for relaxing when you feel tired.

         As all you know London is famous with its' night life and pubs. It should be the enjoyable part of your trip :).  You can find different styles of the pubs everywhere in London, there is no specific adress, but if you ask me, my suggestion is Regent Street and Covent Garden (Dirty Martini).

        I wish this can help you for your trip and your trip decision. London is the most enjoyable city that I have been and I suggest it without thinking twice. Have a nice trip, enjoy it!

you can find it here

1 yorum:

  1. Aww Rana! After I read your blog post about London, I want to go back to London. I can't tell how much I miss all the places and the people!! Also, it makes me awful because we could be there, however we are in ADANA! Welcome to hell! lol.
    I should write one post about UK, too! :)
    Ciao bella, xo
